What We Offer

We offer a wide variety of specialized piano tuning and repair options to suit the specifications of the individual client.

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Standard Piano Tuning (Grand & Upright)

A standard piano tuning involves making minute adjustments to the piano's strings in order to align the pitch to the international pitch standard of A440.

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Pitch Raise

A pitch raise is required when a piano has not been tuned regularly (every 6 months) and is exposed to extreme changes in climate and humidity. A pitch raise may also be required when a piano is new and the strings require stretching.

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Regulation of a piano involves adjusting the mechanics of the piano to account for general wear and use. This may involve treatments to the felt on the hammers and repairing the dimensions of the wood if needed.



Voicing is when the piano's sound or tone is adjusted. This can be done without affecting the pitch of the piano, and a highly skilled piano technician will be able to voice a piano to each client's preference, depending on the piano's condition. 

We also offer services such as cleaning, minor repairs, refinishing work, restringing, full restoration and installation of Dampp Chaser climate control systems. To all new and existing clients, having completing a full year after having relocated, a slight price increase was implemented in August of 2018. This increase will be fully implemented henceforth in 2019. Pricing can be found by clicking the self-scheduling link below.


Brandon Lewis, CPT

Phone Number: 662-703-0210

Email: lewispianoservices@gmail.com